Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hey! New Rainmeter skin/theme in the works, right now codenamed Labels... or maybe Falling. I'm not sure yet, but you'll have a preview tomorrow!
I'm also learning some new stuff and hopefully I'll be able to release a really sweet plugin/skin for Rainmeter sometime soon!
In the meantime, have a copy of my old 2012 wallpaper, without the colour:

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Grain Release

Gahh, yet another lull in blog-posting! Exams exams, but tomorrow I'm done so no more excuses!
Anyway I thought you might like to see my new skin for rainmeter, Grain.

As always you can get it from my deviantart page by clicking the link. I'll definitely be posting again soon!

See ya,
The Merchant

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quickie Post, 2012 Wallpaper

This is just a quick one, as I've managed to neglect this blog yet again :/

So update! I got about halfway through the Nice Sprites skin. It has most of the basic functionality, I'm just working out a small bug with the album art picture. I did however, create a wallpaper to celebrate 2012 (and, just because I felt like making a wallpaper).
Here's the main one:

Which you can download at deviantart by clicking it.
Perhaps I'll post the other version (less colour) tomorrow!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Nice Sprites...

Wow, it's been a while. Well I went away for a week, then was busy and worked, then it was back to school!

So I'm finally back and looking to create... a new Rainmeter skin! Yes, ever since entering my logo I've been itching to make something new (actually ever since my computer broke during the summer which I FINALLY fixed in October).

I've started with a basic one, a music player. I'm calling it nice sprites, after the Skrillex song and, well, because I think the sprites are quite nice :)

Here's the preview I've made and hopefully I'll have a finished (functional) version by tomorrow!

It'll come in both black and white and for the curious, the font is Champagne and Limousines, available at


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Revised Logo

So I've revised my rainmeter logo entry, this time concentrating more on shape than design. I think you'll like it:
Also I've decided to include the somewhat-finalized old one in case you were interested in it.
I don't think I'll bother submitting it to deviant art though. Anyway, tell me what you think! Thanks.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Rainmeter logo contest

So, the people over at Rainmeter have decided they want a new logo and I'm thinking of entering one in. This is the concept I have so far:

I'm thinking of having pixel-width lines fading up it or something and possibly making the inside a bit lighter so that the border's more noticeable.

Anyway all comments/suggestions are appreciated!